Types of Churches

The following list of prominent and current denominations  present their beliefs and practices according to their own words with some neutral sources (i.e. “Handbook of Denominations”). For each group, these subjects are covered: their history; understanding of God, Christ, the Spirit, and Creation; perception of Christ’s words and the scriptures; way of  salvation; church government; worship and assembly; morality (abortion, homosexuality, etc.); marriage and divorce; and perception of the end of times and afterlife.

After studying these again in such great detail, this writer finds that the most shocking is the general support for the freedom choice for abortion. Most church hierarchies are pro-choice. Positions regarding evolution would be the second most shocking. The most common and recurring practice was the similarity of each group forming its own hierarchies for their overall government. Yet, in all this, there is hope and common ground to progress toward being the one Church of Christ Jesus. There is certainly more hope for those under the hierarchies than for those in them.

Introduction: Types of Churches
Roman Catholic
Episcopal (Anglican)
Methodist (also the Salvation Army)
United (Congregational Reformed)
Mennonite (and Amish)
(Pentecostal, Assemblies of God, Church of God in Christ)
Independent Christian (Christian Churches)
International Churches (Boston Movement)
LDS (Mormons)
Seventh-day Adventists
Jehovah’s Witnesses

The class has ended, but these certainly will come to follow:

Church of Christ Scientists
Disciples of Christ (See United Churches above)
Unitarian Universalists
Churches of Christ